Located in the beautiful province of Quebec, Canada, several enterprising manufacturing companies have emerged in recent years. These companies, all founded in 2015 or later, are worth taking note of for their innovation, dedication to excellence, and commitment to creating superior products. Each company highlighted below operates within the often-challenging but rewarding Manufacturing sector and stands out due to their location in Quebec, Canada.
The province reliably produces and houses top-notch growing companies, who have acquired a unique skill for marrying traditional manufacturing with cutting-edge technologies and methods. From electronic devices to biotechnology and 3D printing, these companies demonstrate the range of expertise within Quebec’s modern manufacturing industry.
As dynamic and innovative industry leaders, these companies embody different aspects of engineering prowess and technology, each contributing a unique flavor to Quebec’s manufacturing scene. Let’s delve a little deeper into these companies, their founders and how they are stamping their mark in the world of engineering and manufacturing.
One Silicon Chip Photonics
Founded by Kazem Zandi and Richard Williston, One Silicon Chip Photonics is a force within the electronics, manufacturing, and semiconductor industry. They produce micro-scale optical-integrated Gyroscopes and 6-axis Inertial Measurement Units that perform reliably in harsh environments. Compared to other optical gyroscope solutions, their product is smaller, consumes less power, cheaper and is more reliable.
Saint-Augustin Canada Electric
Next, we have Saint-Augustin Canada Electric. As industry leaders in electronics, manufacturing, and supply chain management their services are in high demand.
Nanophyll, a coatings developer and manufacturer, was founded by Charles Boudreault. They focus on anti-corrosive and anti-fouling coatings, offering high-efficiency protection against fouling, corrosion, icing, and microbes.
Founded by Claudia Poulin and Dominic Dube, Evive operates in the food and beverage industry, producing frozen smoothie cubes with nutritious ingredients and plant-based proteins.
LB Laser
At LB Laser, you’ll see they provide services such as assembly, optimization, delivery, powder coating, cutting, welding, and bending. They have taken transformational sheet metal manufacturing to the next level.
Dyze Design
Founded by Jean-Sébastien Carrier, Maxence Gelinas-Guy, and Philippe Carrier, Dyze Design is a foremost name in 3D printing, electronics, industrial engineering, machinery manufacturing, mechanical design, and product design. They develop hotends, extruders, sensors and other accessories for 3D printers.
Buying Vietnam
Led by Steve Q. Ho, Buying Vietnam is a leading platform for wholesale trade bridging Vietnamese manufacturers and global buyers.
Ananda Devices
Changing the game in the biotechnology and manufacturing sector is Ananda Devices. Founded by Margaret Magdesian, Ananda Devices offers proprietary high throughput cellular and tissue nano-organization technologies.
SPARK Microsystems
Founded by Dominic Deslandes, Frederic Nabki, Michiel Soer, and Mohammad Taherzadeh, SPARK Microsystems provides ultra-low power wireless communications essential for the Internet of Things revolution.
e2ip technologies
Another exemplary company founded by Eric Saint-Jacques is e2ip technologies. They specialize in Human Machine Interface (HMI) Solutions and printed electronics technologies.
Representing the Internet of Things and Manufacturing industry is Otodata. Founded by Jason Gallovich, Otodata is the biggest Internet of Things network operator in Canada, providing services to numerous sectors, ranging from automotive to agriculture.
These companies, each with their different but important contributions to the manufacturing industry, are continuing to shape the landscape of Quebec’s engineering scene. They are fine examples of the synergy between engineering, technology, and manufacturing, all thriving within Quebec, Canada.

Adrian graduated with a Masters Degree (1st Class Honours) in Chemical Engineering from Chester University along with Harris. His master’s research aimed to develop a standardadised clean water oxygenation transfer procedure to test bubble diffusers that are currently used in the wastewater industry commercial market. He has also undergone placments in both US and China primarely focused within the R&D department and is an associate member of the Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).